Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Terrible Loss...

Few months ago... We got couple of Korean kids enrolled in the preschool. Both of the girls were in my class... One was 4 and the other 3. The oldest one was mothering the little one was having a hard time at school... so my coworker and I decided we should seperate the the kids so they can grow as an individual.

They did fine after we put them in seperate classes. As days, turned to weeks and then to months, we grew to love the kids alot and get to know the father and the mother. They were an adorable family. They even came down to the family fun day.

Monday, when I went to work... One of my coworker asked me if I knew what happened... I looked at her confused, and she told me... that the girl's mother died over the weekend! WHAT THE FUCK?

Well, Saturday evening, the Korean family had bought a family pass to the aquatic center to go have fun... Dark clouds loomed over Astoria Saturday... and it was raininig as if it was morning the loss of something. The father and the kids were in the pool playing and he noticed his wife was a miss. He went searching for her outside and asked the life guards and no one saw her... For 20 minutes he had searched her... and as he walked around the lap pool he saw her on the bottom... he dove in and brought her up. Blood came out of her nose and what not. They have revived her at the pool and took her to the hospital... and then life lined her to Portland... Her poor body couldn't handle it and she passed away.

The father is blaming himself for what happened and wished he was there sooner. Her being in the chlorinated water for long messed her up. They had her heart going but that's about it. The kids saw her getting pulled out of the water.

What were the lifeguards doing? Did they not see someone fall in? No one knows what exactly happened... Dunno if she slipped and fell in... or what.

I just can't stop thinking about those girls. And it's such a shock to find out that something like this happened to that family. They are very nice people. I see the mother every other day when she comes to pick the kids up, and she is... was a sweet person. She's someone I see alot so when I heard this news I didn't know what to think or feel. I hate the feeling of "now you see, now you don't".

They kids came to daycare only 3 days a week... The father wanted them to come everyday so that they can learn english... But the mother didn't want to let go of the kids just yet... I am quite sad that her soul left like that... She didn't want to let go of her babies who were going to school... But she let them go and went to a different place herself. It's just heartbreaking. I just can't shake that thought off... That her soul wasn't strong enough to stay.

The youngest one, the one who is 3 and was in my class was very attached to the mother... I know the father explained it to the kids already... I just can't imagine what's going on in their heads right now... Mom's gone and she won't come back. How cruel is that?

The oldest knew what was going on apparently when the mother got pulled out... And when they were in the bathtub the oldest told the little one to scream and splash as hard as she could to let her know that she needs help and is in trouble.

They don't have family here... all of them are in Korea... His brother and her brother are here to do the arrangements. Tomorrow is the funeral in Portland... Then Friday or Saturday the girls and the father are going back to Korea. He told his coworker, that he hates this place cuz this happened and that he could never come back... cuz it's a bad place.

It's so hard to understand why things happen the way they happen. Why them? Why her? What about the kids?

I feel that her soul is not going to be at peace for leaving her babies and her husband like that... I pray that her soul finds peace soon.

Rest in Peace "J", you'll be missed immensely.

1 comment:

K said...

Two of the boys at my daycare lived with their grandfather. I saw him come in on Monday to pick up the boys. (I wasn't there T/W) Thursday we got a call from the fire department hoping that we could provide numbers for next-of-kin.
The boys had been with him until a friend called and began the process of getting into the home.
I don't know how to begin to process what they can and can't understand about 'where's grandpa' - their whole world.